Monterrey Bariatric CenterOnline Consultation Thinking About Bariatric Surgery at Monterrey Bariatric Center? Start an online consultation with Dr. Jesus Abraham Vega. Dr. Vega is committed to providing you with excellent bariatric care. 1 | Personal Information 2 | Choose Procedure Click on the box below to choose the procedure from the drop down menu* —Please choose an option—Sleeve GastrectomyGastric BypassDuodenal SwitchBariatric RevisionInguinal Hernia SurgeryGastric BalloonCholecystectomy – Gallbladder RemovalEndoscopic Sleeve GastroplastyTransoral Outlet ReductionOther Procedure Have you had any type of surgery before? YesNo 3 | Photos For a more comprehensive assessment take and upload your photos. Photographs should cover the abdomen area, front and side. 4 | Lifestyle 5 | Medical Conditions Have you been diagnosed with hepatitis? YesNo Have you been diagnosed with HIV? YesNo Refused blood transfusions? YesNo Have you acid reflux? YesNo Do you suffer from allergies? YesNo Are you taking any medication? YesNo Cardiovascular problems or symptoms? YesNo Liver problems or symptoms? YesNo Gastrointestinal problems or symptoms? YesNo Do you suffer from anxiety? YesNo Suffer from convulsions or seizures? YesNo 6 | Additional Information